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Townsville GP Super Clinic
Mon & Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tue, Wed, Thurs: 8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Public Holidays: CLOSED
Walk-in Service

By arrangement on the day - Privately Billed

Communication and Results Policy

Communication and Results Policy

We must have the ability to communicate with our patients or their carers for us to function properly.

No matter how trivial the medical service seems to begin with, there is always a chance that we will forget something, or have some important medical information to relay.

We need a mobile telephone number or an email address that will allow us to contact you.

We will only contact you for valid medical reasons, which includes; 

  • Passing on medical information that is relevant to you
  • Passing on medical information that is relevant to someone you care for
  • Passing on medical information to someone who has nominated you as their next of kin 
  • Passing on the fact that there is a result to be followed up to follow up
  • Passing on medical information that could be important to you
  • Sending recalls and reminders that may be specific to you, someone you care for, or care you have received in the past 
  • Passing on the fact that we do not feel comfortable being an ongoing medical service provider to you 

By providing us with your mobile telephone number, email address or details of your next of kin, you are consenting to receive communication from us, if we believe there is a valid reason to communicate with you (as outlined above).

To be specific, we routinely confirm appointments, confirm cancellations, send recalls (alerting others to the fact there are results), organize recalls (follow-up appointments), and send prescriptions, medical certificates, discontinuation of service notices, and other important health information via electronic means - including SMS and email.

Your willingness to allow us to logically communicate with you, others you care or nominated next-of-kins is a requirement of us agreeing to be a medical service provider to you.

If you do not wish to provide us with a reliable mobile telephone number, email address, or next of kin, we do not wish to provide an as-required or ongoing medical service to you - unless there are urgent and compelling reasons at the time.

The ability to communicate with you, without violating common-sense, is an absolute requirement of the medical service we provide.

Contacting the Doctor

You can speak or organize a video link with the doctors by organizing a Telehealth Consultation.

You can organize a Telehealth Consultation by contacting the medical practice.

If you would like to speak with your doctor, you can contact the medical practice.

There may also be times when you are contacted by the medical practice for medical reasons.

Discontinuation of Service

We may, at any time, choose to discontinue being a medical service provider to you.

There is a long list of reasons why we may choose to discontinue being a medical service provider to you, including;

  • Rude, aggressive, disorderly or inappropriate conduct from you -- because it is our lawful duty to provide a safe working environment for our staff and doctors;
  • We do not provide the service you are looking for;
  • We feel uncomfortable providing the medical service you are looking for;
  • We do not have the facilities to provide the medical service you are looking for 
  • We feel inadequately resourced to provide the medical service you are looking for.

Where we can, and it is appropriate for us to do so, we will nominate an alternate service that might be able to help.

If we do not feel comfortable being an ongoing medical service provider to you, you may get a brief SMS or email to that effect.

If it is the case that we are choosing not to provide you with an ongoing medical service;

  • You do not have the right to know the name of the person who made the decision -- because we have the safety and wellbeing of our staff and the doctors to protect as well.
  • You do not have the right to know why the decision was made -- for the same reason. We have the safety and wellbeing of our staff and the doctors to protect.
  • If we do not wish to be an ongoing provider of medical services to you, we will, as a matter of policy, where relevant, transfer a summary of your medical records to an alternative medical practitioner at no cost to you.

As a matter of policy, protecting the wellbeing of those that work for us, and the integrity of the service, are as important as the patients we care for us well.